

Practice, Slowly removing unsupported habits and adding new ones into the life, Most importantly, continue repeating such. Let the heart be free from worries and other controls. Bring ourselves back to the moment for each practice....
Believe and in peace

Believe and in peace

The way we find living with peace just three tips: Everything changes All happens at the right timing No matter what occurs, we all move on with life on the earth 生命總會有些不能控制的“突發” 只有當我們深深的相信,不論在什麼情況下 沒有所謂的永遠 所有的”驚喜“ 及 ”意外“ 都發生在最適當的時刻 而我們,只需做到盡己之力,過好每一天在地球練習場上的生活,...
Sadness and reminder

Sadness and reminder

It was a hard week of unexpectedly finding out a good friend sudden passed. The sadness and puzzled feeing eating up several days and nights. We all thought we still have more tomorrow, but as strong as we can be, In a snap of time, life just like a bunch of fog, we...
Start from you with love

Start from you with love

Practice to start each action from you rooted with love and kind attention. Practice to understand that sounds is the basic creation point. And with such difficult time, plant love seed in every moment to brace more. 練習從自己開始,每一個小小的行動都打從心底用愛的種子灌溉 練習慢慢地瞭解,聲音是創造一切實像的根基...