Life Challenges

Life Challenges

You may hear a very common phrase: Everything happens for a reason. However, there are million ways to translate that sentence. We often try to find out why in the life when facing challenges. And, we often do not find the answer to it. If asking why doesn’t...
Unfold Naturally

Unfold Naturally

There is time and spaces for each event ( in life) to happen. Let go of planning (too much), forcing, and controlling.Allow each of it to unfold naturally in its own timing. 看起來微不足道的一小步都有其在每一個生命旅程中不可或缺的位置縱使前進的緩慢用溫柔的心緩緩地欣賞每一小步過程中的風景 在最適合事件發生的空間和時間點就會自然地發生...


Do your best quietly everyday without seeking attention in any ways.Great and Happy things will come around naturally. 靜靜地把每一天的自己做好美好的事物就會自然地來到 ~