Where is Honesty

Where is Honesty

While you deeply truly believe that honesty should come as a “default” package and character for each one, you start doubting yourself of this belief after 10 plus years of dramatic events one after one. No one will deny that even a young toddler will also...
After raining day

After raining day

It has been super hot summer. A small unexpected rain brings down the temperature and make it a nice afternoon. I was on the way home and found this little beautiful flower on the ground. With busy city life, people often ignore all the tiny pretty thing simply around...


這幾天發現自己超容易生氣的! 可以為了前方開車的駕駛白癡生氣。 可以為了遊戲區裡瘋狂的孩子們生氣。 可以為了超商裡收款慢了點的店員生氣。 可以為了某個店員指著我家孩子說不要碰而生氣。 可以為了晚餐不知道自己要吃什麼而生氣。 可以為了雞毛蒜皮的小不啦嘰的事情生氣。 我突然驚覺自己需要一點點空間! 一點點可以喘息和呼吸的時間。 或許天使們聽到也感受到我的要求 ~ 今天開車來上班的路上,美麗的蝴蝶在我車前翩翩飛揚了好一段時間。 走進辦公室的路上,掉落在人行道上的一抹桃紅讓我駐足了好久。...
Angel, Butterfly

Angel, Butterfly

Butterfly, one of my favorite amazing living creatures on the earth. I always have sweet and unpredictable encounters with them. It’s usually only between them and me. I admire their power of transformation as well as the beauty. Each of them is delightful just...
You, light

You, light

當你越充滿光,有時就越容易吸引黑暗靠近。 那天睡前閱讀時看到這段短短的文字,我的心揪了一下! 彷彿這些年來的所有歷練和經驗,就如此一般的風淡雲輕。 這是多少磨難和經歷過後才有的恍然大悟! 原來,自己充滿了光和力量。 原來,自己是該時候拿回所有的權力,不再讓他人決定自己的未來。 原來,看照自己的靈和光一直溫暖的在身旁。 獨自在暗黑裡舞蹈的自己,只想體驗最屬於自己這一世所來到的目的。 我,又看見了那個多年前充滿勇氣而不畏懼的自已…………...
Through his eye

Through his eye

As adult, we generally are too fixed with our action and thought. Baby has been the greatest teacher for me to re-explore and elevate my creation ability as well as viewing things differently; even the most small tiny thing around your daily routines. I simply follow...