There was a saying: Seeing is believing…
However, as you start reading and realizing that is not 100% true, especially at the high technology world, anything can be made up, edited, filtered …etc.

It is hard to believe without seeing, but, right before that very moment, your heart already told you truthfully if you should take it or not. We often choose to ignore that inner voice and go with what public believes.

Through our heart and mind, we already have the tools we need to create the life for ourselves.

We encounter certain situation, even repeatedly experience the same thing over and over. If you can notice the “repeating” part, put a pause on it, think of dealing the same situation with DIFFERENT methods, then you are on the right track to create a better life, better you as well as healing the old you.

Keep it up and take every experience as a learning journey.
Try different patterns, take challenges and open mind to doubt but accept difference.

You will be amazed how much more will come around in many unexpected ways.

Learn and try something new everyday ~

Have an angelic day.